Example: Query Data in Langfuse via the SDK
This notebook demonstrates how to programmatically access your LLM observability data from Langfuse using the Python SDK. As outlined in our documentation, Langfuse provides several methods to fetch traces, observations, and sessions for various use cases like collecting few-shot examples, creating datasets, or preparing training data for fine-tuning.
We’ll explore the main query functions and show practical examples of filtering and processing the returned data.
This notebook is work-in-progress, feel free to contribute additional examples that you find useful.
!pip install langfuse --upgrade
import os
# Get keys for your project from the project settings page
# https://cloud.langfuse.com
os.environ["LANGFUSE_PUBLIC_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["LANGFUSE_SECRET_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["LANGFUSE_HOST"] = "https://cloud.langfuse.com" # 🇪🇺 EU region
# os.environ["LANGFUSE_HOST"] = "https://us.cloud.langfuse.com" # 🇺🇸 US region
# Your openai key
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = ""
from langfuse import Langfuse
langfuse = Langfuse()
import pandas as pd
# helper function
def pydantic_list_to_dataframe(pydantic_list):
Convert a list of pydantic objects to a pandas dataframe.
data = []
for item in pydantic_list:
return pd.DataFrame(data)
SDK reference: https://python.reference.langfuse.com/langfuse/client#Langfuse.fetch_traces
Default: get the last 50 traces
traces = langfuse.fetch_traces(limit=50)
# pydantic_list_to_dataframe(traces.data).head(1)
Get traces created by a specific user
traces = langfuse.fetch_traces(user_id="u-svQKrql")
# pydantic_list_to_dataframe(traces.data).head(4)
Fetch many traces via pagination:
all_traces = []
limit = 50 # Adjust as needed to balance performance and data retrieval.
page = 1
while True:
traces = langfuse.fetch_traces(limit=limit, page=page)
if len(traces.data) < limit or len(all_traces) >= 1000:
page += 1
print(f"Retrieved {len(all_traces)} traces.")
SDK reference: https://python.reference.langfuse.com/langfuse/client#Langfuse.fetch_trace
Simple example: fetch and render as json -> get the full traces including evals, observation inputs/outputs, timings and costs
trace = langfuse.fetch_trace("4e915ff9-2a60-4035-a744-859a9db7ec1b")
# print(trace.data.json(indent=1))
Summarize cost by model
trace = langfuse.fetch_trace("4e915ff9-2a60-4035-a744-859a9db7ec1b")
observations = trace.data.observations
import pandas as pd
def summarize_usage(observations):
"""Summarizes usage data grouped by model."""
usage_data = []
for obs in observations:
usage = obs.usage
if usage:
'model': obs.model,
'input': usage.input,
'output': usage.output,
'total': usage.total,
df = pd.DataFrame(usage_data)
if df.empty:
return pd.DataFrame()
summary = df.groupby('model').sum()
return summary
# Example usage (assuming 'observations' is defined as in the provided code):
summary_df = summarize_usage(observations)
SDK reference: https://python.reference.langfuse.com/langfuse/client#Langfuse.fetch_observations
Simple example:
observations = langfuse.fetch_observations(limit=50)
# pydantic_list_to_dataframe(observations.data).head(1)
SDK reference: https://python.reference.langfuse.com/langfuse/client#Langfuse.fetch_observation
observation = langfuse.fetch_observation("e2dc8fcf-1cf7-47d6-b7b0-a3b727332f17")
# print(observation.data.json(indent=1))
SDK reference: https://python.reference.langfuse.com/langfuse/client#Langfuse.fetch_sessions
Simple example
sessions = langfuse.fetch_sessions(limit=50)
# pydantic_list_to_dataframe(sessions.data).head(1)